Thursday, September 1, 2011

Row vs. Wade

This has been one of those home from shows sleep due to mentioned a disaster. Thankfully I have many wonderful friends who have all simultaneously offered to bring over margaritas. This worries I known as the needy margarita girl? As one friend put it so well, they are much more fun and effective than chicken soup. You may not feel any better about life when you sober up, but at least for the duration of the tequila you just don't care. Alas, I have refrained from the fun and just relied on triple lattes, and not enough of them. I was able to finish this painting, 40 x 40, titled Row vs. Wade and now available at Gregg Irby Fine Art.

1 comment:

Kathy Cousart said...

Love this one! Must be amazing in person. Gorgeous color harmony. Funny post and enjoyed reading it. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting too.