Sunday, December 6, 2009

People in your corner......

I am having a self indulgent bit of reflection. I don't think anyone can get through life without those people who support, value and inspire them. I don't always recognize them for the angels on earth that they are. There are some in my life right now that may be moving from my geographical home but never from my heart. Although I am devasted, I am thankful for opportunities. Facebook is always there to post updates, but that just doesn't seem enough to me right now.

It is difficult to really thank people for kindnesses that salvage your day -a pat on the back, a nice email or long, gabby skype , or a gourmet dinner and hilarious conversation to get you through the week. One of my current angels gives me opportunities to shine that I would never have had-she seems to enjoy other's successes as much as her own, and has no idea of the value of her impact. I call her one of those "Life Changers". I like labels, when they are good, and I have labeled her.

There are also angels in disguise. They appear to be naughty and deviant but underneath their dry sarcasm are hearts as big Texas. Nothing picks me up more than a phone call or email from my group of funny people. They include family and friends and it is hard for me to match wits with them all. Times are difficult, and it is not easy to stay positive and true. Your PEOPLE remind you of who you are even when, especially when, you are letting the outside world dictate your course. They get you back where you need to be.

Here are to people in your corner, even if they no longer live round the corner.....
This painting is titled "Pt. Reyes Corner" and is 9 x 12. I will post it on Etsy shortly.

1 comment:

Eben said...

Love the painting.

Love the writing too. A little time for reflection never hurts any of us. It's just hard to come by with the young-uns running around.