Sunday, May 22, 2011

"Flipping Out"

Atlanta has already been broiling and I still haven't done the

dreaded swim suit shopping. So far I have been able to pass the kids
along to my husband for pool visit,s but now that school will be

out, I will be poolside. This is "Flipping Out" and is 36 x 36.

Please contact me at for more information.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A departure...

I needed a change up for a short time and recieved a commission for a nude-my first! I enjoyed it so much that I have done a few more figures. This is "Evening Out" and is 22 x 28, oil on canvas. Please contact me at for more information.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Can you tell that I am excited for a summer beach trip? This is titled
"Jack and Jill" as they do have a pail and might fetch some water!
It is a big one- 48 inches by 72 inches, on wood panel.
Please contact Gregg Irby Fine Art
at for more deatils.